

  • Yleinen

The trilogy culminates with a world premiere

Studio Total’s artistic directors Anna-Maria Lipponen and Petri Tuhkanen a creating a stage production based on Hubert…
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  • Yleinen

Never again – or is this the beginning of a new direction for my carrier?

The artistic directors of Studio Total sum up the experiences of Future workshops and analyze the echoes the work on…
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  • Yleinen

Converting Stage Creations Towards Cinematic Expression

For some years, cinematic storytelling has been a central element in Studio Total’s stage creations. Already in Ice Ice Baby…
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  • Yleinen

Visual poem about work, power and human body

Studio Total’s next production Dreamwork will be produced as both a film and a stage work. The film, set to premiere in…
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  • Yleinen

The simple complexity of everyday life

For Studio Total the artistic program for 2022 starts in Germany in the beginning of March when the new stage work Die Wohnung…
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  • Yleinen

Onwards: Denmark – France – Online

After the early autumn show period in Helsinki Studio Total says goodbye to the rock cave beneath the Finnish National Museum…
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  • Yleinen

Preview of the Season 2021-22

For Studio Total the season of 2021-22 is going to be an interesting cocktail of renewing old collaborations, inviting new…
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  • Yleinen

Dreams for Sale is coming back!

Great news! Dreams for Sale -performances will continue on August-September 2021. You can find the new dates from our…
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  • Yleinen

Spring greetings from Studio Total! 

Although the pandemic has prevented theatres to run shows in Helsinki this spring the pace at Studio Total has not calmed down.…
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  • Yleinen

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!

What were the good things that the year 2020 brought to us: Theatre Jalostamo2 changed its name to Studio Total. We also renewed…
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  • Yleinen

Premiere of Dreams for Sale on November 17th in Helsinki

Theatre group Studio Total (previously Jalostamo²) premieres it’s new creation Dreams for Sale on November 17th in Helsinki.…
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  • Yleinen

Jalostamo2 is now Studio Total

The free field theater group Jalostamo2 is renewing, and will be known as Studio Total in the future. The first performance of…
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  • Yleinen

Theatre Jalostamo2 provides art experiences during the times of Corona

The Helsinki-based theatre group Jalostamo2 releases their productions via on-demand service. The audience is able to…
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  • Yleinen

Thank you NO99!

On Wednesday October 31st 2018 Theatre NO99 announced in their press release the following: “Theatre NO99 will cease to…
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  • Yleinen

Ship of Fools premieres in Tallinn on Friday September 7th

The co-production between Jalostamo² and the Estonian Theatre NO99 is shared with the audience a week later that anticipated.…
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  • Yleinen

Rehearsals for the new production have started in Tallinn together with NO99

Jalostamo² has started rehearsing a production in Tallinn. NO30 Ship of Fools is a co-production together with the awarded…
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